Radioactive Decay ofNe23

The beta and gamma radiations of 38-sec Ne23 have been studied by means of scintillation spectrometer techniques. Beta transitions were found to the ground, first, and second excited states of Na23 with end-point energies equal to 4.39±0.05, 3.95±0.05, and 2.4±0.1 Mev, respectively. Their percent intensities and logft values are: 67±3, 5.25; 32±3, 5.38; and 1.00±0.15, 5.88, respectively. Gamma rays are coincident with the latter two beta transitions and with one another; their energies and percent relative intensities are: 436±4 kev; 100; 1647±16 kev, 3.0±0.3, respectively. Higher energy gamma radiation was present in less than 0.2% of all decays. No beta transitions with logft values in the superallowed group were found. A decay scheme based on the above data is proposed.

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