Because of the Paschen-Back effect of the hyperfine structure of the odd isotopes, the polarization of cadmium λ2288A resonance radiation excited by plane polarized incident light changes from 76.7 percent in zero field to 100 percent in a strong field parallel to the electric vector of the exciting light. The experimental results agree very closely with computations based on Goudsmit's modification of Darwin's theory of the Paschen-Back effect and give for the separation of the two levels into which the 6P11 level of Cd (odd-isotopes) is split a value of 12.6×103 cm1. From this result and Schüler's measurements of the hyperfine separations of the triplet lines 6P0,1,236S13 the constants a and b giving the interactions of the p and s electrons, respectively, from Goudsmit's equation A(J)=a(2g)a6Γ(2g)2(g1)L(L+1)(2L1)(2L+3)+b(g1) are found to be a=8.4×103 and b=225.7×103.