Experimental Test of the Impulse Approximation inpdInelastic Scattering at 200 MeV

Inelastic pd interactions have been studied at 200 MeV by bombarding a target of liquid deuterium with a 92% polarized proton beam. The directions and energies of the two scattered protons were measured using thick plastic scintillation counters. Four types of cross sections were studied: (1) the two-proton coincidence rate, dσdΩ1dΩ2; (2) the fully differential cross section, dσdΩ1dΩ2dE1; (3) the single-arm charged-particle yield, dσdΩ1; and (4) "singlet deuteron" production. These measured cross sections, and previously reported 145-MeV data of Knuckes et al., are compared with impulse-approximation theories. Our treatment of the spectator model differs from that used previously in that we have treated the kinematics relativistically. The first two cross sections are dominated by quasifree pp scattering. Impulse theories which include final-state interaction terms give much better fits to these data than the simple spectator model gives, but there remains an overestimation of the observed cross section in the quasifree pp region of about 10%, and the fit in other regions is still qualitative only. The single-arm yield is described very well by a simple sum rule giving the yield as the sum of the free pp and pn differential cross sections. A final-state-interaction enhancement in the two-proton rate, usually referred to as the "singlet deuteron," was observed in the region of 1050 c.m. pd elastic scattering having a cross section of 0.3 mb/sr2.