Decay ofNa26

The bombardment of high-purity natural magnesium targets with fast neutrons from the Li7(d, n)Be8 reaction (En24 Mev) yielded, in addition to activities associated with well-known isotopes, an activity having an experimental half-life of 1.03±0.06 sec. Scintillation spectrometer measurements showed a (1.82±0.03)-Mev gamma ray and a (6.7±0.3)-Mev beta group decaying with the 1.03-sec half-life. The 6.7-Mev beta group was found to be in coincidence with the 1.82-Mev gamma ray. The assignment of the (1.03±0.06)-sec half-life to Na26 produced in the reaction Mg26(n, p)Na26 and the proposed decay scheme are supported by internally consistent arguments based on the known characteristics of the reaction products and their decay modes; the half-life studies using both beta and gamma radiation; the features of experimental beta and gamma spectra; and nuclear systematics. The decay of the ground state of Na26 takes place in part by a (6.7±0.3)-Mev beta transition to the (2+) first excited state of Mg26. The intensities of the beta transitions to the (2+) second excited state and (0+) ground state are less than 0.1 of the intensity of the (6.7±0.3)-Mev transition. The possible ground-state spin and parity assignment for Na26 is either 1+, 2+, or 3+. A weak theoretical argument against spin 1 is presented. The present experimental measurements alone will not reduce the ambiguity in the spin assignment. A Na26Mg26 mass difference of 8.5±0.3 Mev is derived from the known level structure of Mg26 and the beta transition energy measured in the present investigation.

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