Sublattice Magnetization of FeBO3Single Crystals by Mössbauer Effect

Mössbauer-effect (ME) measurements of the hyperfine interaction of the iron nuclei in single crystals of FeBO3 have been used to study the temperature dependence of the sublattice magnetization. The results are found to be consistent with previously published nuclear-magnetic-resonance results and agree quantitatively with simple noninteracting-spin-wave theory for TTN3, where TN is the Néel temperature. The exchange integral calculated from fitting ME data to spin-wave theory, J=27.3±0.5 °K, is in very good agreement with that calculated from the Rushbrooke and Wood TN relation, indicating that FeBO3 is very dominantly a nearest-neighbor-exchange system. We estimate that the upper spin-wave branch (out plane) has a gap of about 23 °K, which is primarily due to dipolar anisotropy but partly to the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya field.