Benchmark cases for outdoor sound propagation models

The computational tools available for prediction of sound propagation through the atmosphere have increased dramatically during the past decade. The numerical techniques include analytical solutions for selected index of refraction profiles, ray trace techniques which include interaction with a complex impedance boundary, a Gaussian beam ray trace algorithm, and more sophisticated approximate solutions to the full wave equation; the fast field program (FFP) and the parabolic equation (PE) solutions. This large array of computational approaches raises questions concerning under what conditions the various approaches are reliable and concerns about possible errors in specific implementations. This paper presents comparisons of predictions from the several models assuming a complex impedance ground and four atmospheric conditions. For the cases studied, it was found that the FFP and PE algorithms agree to within numerical accuracy over the full range of conditions and agree with the analytical solutions where available. Comparisons to ray solutions define regimes where ray approaches can be used. There is no attempt to compare calculated transmission losses to measurements.