The following notes embody the results of observations made during a year of service (May 1913 to May 1914) as the Entomologist in the Agricultural Department of the Southern Provinces, Nigeria. They do not, however, pretend to cover more than a very limited area of the Western Province, for on account of the desirability of beginning the work by making myself acquainted with local conditions by a careful study of the insect problems at the head-quarters of the Department, at Moor Plantation, Ibadan, I suggested that the first few months of my tour should be spent there, hoping afterwards to be afforded an opportunity, which unfortunately was not forthcoming, of making a more general survey of the insect pests of the country. I have confined my remarks to insects which are to be looked on as real pests, and have made no reference to the bionomics of other insects which I have observed to be associated with the indigenous flora. I have classified the pests according to the plant attacked, and have added to my account of each notes as to the measures found useful in dealing with them.