By the Hellmann-Feynman theorem, the density n(r) of many electrons in the presence of external potential v(r) obeys the relationships F d3r n(r)∇v(r)=0 and F d3r n(r)r×∇v(r)=0. By the virial theorem, the interacting kinetic and electron-electron repulsion expectation values obey 2T[n]+Vee[n]=-F d3r n(r)r⋅∇[δT/δn(r)+δVee/δn(r)]. The exchange energy functional Ex[n] and potential vx([n];r)≡δEx/δn(r) must satisfy Ex[n]+F d3r n(r)r⋅∇vx([n];r)=0, while the correlation energy and potential must satisfy Ec[n]+F d3r n(r)r⋅∇vc([n];r)<0. Somewhat counterintuitively, it is not true that T[nγ]=γ2T[n] and Vee[nγ]=γVee[n], where nγ(r)≡γ3n(γr) is a scaled density with scale factor γ≠1. In fact, it is impossible to partition the exact Hohenberg-Kohn functional into a piece that scales as γ2 and a piece that scales as γ, even if complete freedom with the partitioning is allowed. Instead there are universal scaling inequalities.