Paramagnetic Resonance Absorption in Phenanthrene in Its Phosphorescent State

Electron paramagnetic resonance absorption in phenanthrene in its lowest photoexcited triplet state has been investigated at the boiling point of N2. The measurements have been made on phenanthrene molecules, oriented in diphenyl host crystals, at the frequency ∼2.3×1010 cycle sec—1 and also at lower frequencies at almost zero field (76 to 3 G). Taking the long principal magnetic axis in the plane of the phenanthrene molecule to be the x axis, the short axis in the plane to be the y axis, and the normal to the plane to be the z axis, the results have been described by the spin Hamiltonian, H=|β|H·g·S+S·T·S, where S=1,Tzz/hc≡D/hc=±0.100430 cm−1,  σ{D/hc}=0.000010 cm−1,−Tyy/hc=Txx/hc≡E/hc=∓0.046576 cm−1,  σ{E/hc}=0.000009 cm−1,gzz=+2.00209,  σ{gzz}=0.00005,gyy=+2.00279,  σ{gyy}=0.00005,gxx=+2.0041., A preliminary investigation of the hyperfine structure has been made. These results have been compared with published calculations.