Positron Decays ofCa38andK38

The positron decay of Ca38 has been investigated using the Ar36(He3,n) reaction with an enriched Ar36 gas target. A delayed 1568-keV γ ray with a half-life of 0.47±0.02 sec is attributed to a positron branch to the 1695-keV level of K38. Upper limits of 3% or better were found for transitions to other low-lying levels. Using the measured half-life and the decay energies, the branching ratio to the 1695-keV level is calculated from β-decay systematics to be (21±4)%. The logft for this transition (3.41±0.09) establishes Jπ=1+ for the 1695-keV level. An additional result was the observation of an allowed transition from K38 to the 3936-keV level of Ar38.