Nuclear magnetic resonance in liquid copper alloys

The 63Cu nuclear magnetic resonance has been observed in liquid copper alloys containing small proportions of Au, Ag, Zn, Ga, Ge, As, Se and Ni. In each case the line width appeared unaffected, while the line centre exhibited a displacement proportional to the solute concentration. For the positive valence solutes, the observed Knight shift change produced by unit solute concentration varied systematically with solute valence in a way markedly similar to the changes observed in solid silver based solutions. The experimental results may be explained as due to the redistribution of electronic charge necessary to screen the solute ion potential. It is shown that the pattern of phase shifts which offers the best explanation of the results is plausible on physical grounds. The viewpoint developed here for interpreting the results for monovalent solvents also appears to be useful when discussing the Knight shift in polyvalent systems.

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