A formulation is given for calculating magnetic-single-site density of states for a completely random dilute Heisenberg ferromagnet, with isotropic nearest-neighbor exchange, in the limit of very low temperatures. In conformity with Kohn's suggestion that the dynamics of sufficiently random many-body systems may be approximated by that of typical small neighborhoods, a consistent hierarchy of truncation schemes for the spatial matrix elements of the T matrix is described. The case of a drastically truncated Kohn neighborhood, consisting only of two neighboring sites, is worked out in detail. It is shown that for lattices without nearest-neighbor triangles, the given density of states exactly preserves the first four frequency moments. Moreover, for Bravais lattices with z nearest neighbors, all frequency moments of the density of states are given exactly to the two leading orders in z1. By analyzing the renormalization of the K0 spin-wave energy, estimates for the critical temperature are obtained. In the present approximation, the magnetic long-range order cannot occur for magnetic concentrations which are 2z. For the simple-cubic lattice, numerical computations of the magnetic-single-site density of states and the real and imaginary parts of the coherent exchange are given for several concentrations.

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