Decay ofCo56andMn56

Scintillation spectroscopy and coincidence techniques have been used to measure the decay schemes of Mn56 and Co56, both of which decay to Fe56. Gamma-ray energies and intensities were measured with the aid of a large NaI(Tl) crystal and a three-crystal pair spectrometer. Combining these data with γγ and βγ coincidence measurements, decay schemes are constructed for both nuclei. The logft values for the various β branches are examined and all of the β branches from Co56 show higher than usual logft values for allowed transitions. The Co56 decay to the second excited state in Fe56 is inhibited by a factor of ∼103 while the Mn56 decay to the same state is inhibited even further. The allowed Mn56 decay to the first excited state in Fe56 is also slowed, while Mn56 decays to higher states proceed at more normal speeds. A discussion of the β-transition rates in terms of shell model assignments is given, from which some explanation of the β rates results. The high inhibitions of the decays to the second excited state in Fe56 do not seem susceptible to a simple shell-model explanation.

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