Representation of afferent visceral systems in cerebral cortex in the cat.

Mesenteric nerve electrical stimulation in anesthetized cats is followed by potentials evoked in 4 cerebral cortex areas 2 of which are situated near S. S. ansatus (SI) and suprasylvius (SII) in splanchnic nerve specific projection area and the other 2[long dash]in association and limbic areas. In SI and SII this electrical stimulation produces typical primary responses while association and limbic responses are of great latency, sundry configuration and polarity of the 1st phase, unstable to repetitive stimuli and susceptible to some anesthetic drugs so the authors consider them as being of secondary type. All the 4 above said cortical areas demonstrate the presence of the series of evoked potentials to stimulation of the mechano- and chemoreceptors of the stomach and gut, each potential within the series having characteristics of the primary or secondary responses depending on the cortical area observed.