The general formalism for treating two-time fluctuations in magnetized plasma, developed in part 1 of this series, is applied to the case of anomalous cross-field transport in 2-D, strongly magnetized, thermal equilibrium systems. For (where εP is the plasma parameter), classical predictions for the ion shear viscosity and test particle diffusion coefficients are dominated by the anomalous contributions of low frequency, long wavelength hydrodynamic fluctuations (convective cells). The anomalous transport is discussed from the points of view of (a) kinetic theory; (b) the assumption of long-time local thermal equilibrium (Landau-Placzek method); and (c) a renormalized mode-coupling version of the generalized Langevin equation. The results of all these approaches are in agreement, and they predict that the transport coefficients scale with magnetic field B as 1/B for, and as independent of B for in good agreement with the computer simulations of Okuda & Dawson. The transport is weakly non-Markovian, the Green-Kubo integrands decay non-classically for long times as [t ln (t)]−½, and the test particle ‘;diffusion’ coefficient does not asymptotically approach a constant for t → ∞.