The Effects of Thyroxine and Isopropylnoradrenaline on Cytochrome Oxidase Activity in Brown Adipose Tissue

Groups of animals were treated with injections of isopropylnoradrenaline, thyroxine, or both hormones together. The effects of these hormonal treatments on the size, protein content, and level of some mitochondrial enzymes, in particular the cytochrome oxidase, were determined and compared to the effect on these parameters produced by cold adaptation. The changes observed were correlated with the resistance of the animals to cold stress and with their metabolic response to injections of isopropylnoradrenaline. All treatments increased the size of the brown adipose tissue. Whereas thyroxine had little effect on the protein content and cytochrome oxidase, both isopropylnoradrenaline and cold adaptation produced increases in these parameters. It appears that the isopropylnoradrenaline-treated animals mimic more closely the cold-adapted animals than do those with thyroxine treatment. However, the isopropylnoradrenaline-treated animals are not as resistant to cold as the cold-adapted animals.