Theoretical x-ray-photoemission-spectroscopy intensities of the actinide compoundsUIr3,UPt3, andUAu3

The relativistic formulas for x-ray-photoemission-spectroscopy (XPS) intensities are derived and used in calculations for UIr3, UPt3, and UAu3. The densities of states and the potentials used to calculate the radial matrix elements were taken from fully relativistic self-consistent linear muffin-tin orbital (LMTO) electronic band-structure calculations. The calculated XPS intensities agree well with experimental XPS data for UPt3 and UAu3 (there are no XPS data for UIr3). This suggests that the band-structure model for these heavy fermions is valid at room temperature and away from the Fermi energy, where the effects of the strong renormalization of the independent-electron properties that are presumably responsible for the exotic low-temperature anomalies seem to have little influence.