
Starting with chiral SU(4)SU(4) invariance realized in the Nambu-Goldstone manner, with the vacuum invariant under SU(3), we discuss in this paper the various implications of explicit symmetry-breaking terms that transform as the (4,4*)(4*,4) representation. The motivation for this work comes from recent investigations in connection with the unified gauge theories, which suggest the relevance of SU(4)SU(4) symmetry of strong interactions with (4,4*)(4*,4) breaking. The domain structure for the allowed values of the symmetry-breaking parameters is discussed in analogy with a similar investigation for the SU(3)SU(3) theory, and the ratio of charmed- to uncharmed-particle masses is derived in terms of these parameters. Solutions are sought for these parameters through an analysis of the ηχ and ηχE mixing problems, as well as η, χ2γ decays. Within the framework of our assumptions, we are unable to obtain a solution that agrees with the recent results discussed by Dittner et al. on the basis of a hadronlepton analogy.