Magnetic Properties of Dilute Gold-Vanadium Alloys: Nuclear Magnetic Resonance inAuVandAu(Ag)V

The low-temperature (1-4°K) magnetic properties of dilute (0.1-10 at.%) AuV alloys have been studied by means of pulsed-NMR techniques. The previously reported V51 line-shape anomaly for vanadium concentrations near 1 at.% is shown to result from a large reduction in the vanadium spin susceptibility for vanadium impurities that are nearest neighbors to each other. The observed change in the V51 resonance shift from a negative value (-1.5%) at low vanadium concentrations to a positive value (+0.6%) at high concentrations is consistent with the expected variation in the ratio of "nonmagnetic" to "magnetic" vanadium concentrations. The nuclear resonances are severely broadened as a result of oscillatory spindensity disturbances associated with d-resonance scattering of the host conduction electrons. There is no indication, however, that the field-induced impurity magnetization gives rise to significant long-range negative-definite spin polarizations in the host metal as suggested recently. This conclusion is supported by the absence of positive Ag109 resonance shifts in ternary Au(Ag)V alloys containing up to 20 at.% silver. In general, our measurements suggest that "magnetic" as well as "nonmagnetic" vanadium sites can be described by a virtual bound d-state model in which the impurity susceptibility, resonance shift, and nuclear-spin relaxation rates are enhanced by local Coulomb interactions. The two types of vanadium sites are distinguished by different enhancement factors, or, equivalently, different spin-fluctuation frequencies. The V51 spin-lattice relaxation rates T11 are directly proportional to the absolute temperature over the entire composition range. In the infinite-dilution limit T1T17 msec°K, while at high concentrations T1T approaches the metallic vanadium value. An analysis of the infinite-dilution V51 shift and relaxation-rate data indicates that the impurity-site spin susceptibility accounts for most of the measured bulk susceptibility.