Lipid Composition of Pea and Bean Leaves during Chloroplast Development

Thechanges incomposition ofthecomplex lipids werefol- lowedduring thegreening ofdark-grown pea(Pisum sativum) andbean(Phaseolus vulgaris) seedlings. Nosignificant changes inglycerolipid concentrations intheleaves were observed duringtheearly stages ofgreening (0-8hourforpeasand 0-12hourforbeans). On further greening, there was an in- crease intheproportion ofgalactolipids andadecrease inthe phospholipids. Thefatty acidcomposition ofthegalactolipids remained constant during 24hoursofgreening, butthere was a slight increase ina-linolenic acidat72hoursinthebean. Thepercentage ofa-linolenic acidinthephospholipids andin sulfolipid showedamarkedincrease between 24and72hours inthebean.Trans-A3-hexadecenoic acidwas themajorfatty acidofphosphatidyl glycerol inbeanleaves at72hours, butit wasbarely detectable at24hours. Thelipid composition of greening leaves isdiscussed inrelation tothefine structureand photochemical activity ofthedeveloping plastids.