Diethylstilbestrol and Length of Preliminary Period in the Utilization of Crude Biuret and Urea by Lambs. II. Various Aspects of Nitrogen Metabolism

Various aspects of nitrogen metabolism of lambs were considered in an attempt to ascertain the nature of the effect of DES and length of preliminary period on the retention of absorbed nitrogen. DES was without effect on the excretion of metabolic fecal nitrogen, endogenous urinary nitrogen, creatine, or allantoin. The mean metabolic fecal nitrogen corrected for undigested fiber nitrogen was 0.435±0.023 gm. N per 100 gm. dry matter intake. The mean endogenous urinary nitrogen value was 34.0±0.08 mg. N per kg. body weight. The mean excretion values for creatine and allantoin expressed as mg. N per kg. body weight per day were 8.4 and 11.4, respectively. DES did not significantly influence plasma FBI values of lambs on high or low nitrogen rations. The pattern of blood ammonia and urea nitrogen levels, urinary excretion of biuret, plasma PBI values and associated digestion and nitrogen metabolism data make it appear that DES and time influence the retention of absorbed nitrogen through direct action on the tissues to promote better utilization of non-protein nitrogen.