Clinical Paralytic Poliomyelitis Due to Coxsackie Virus Group A, Type 7

THE following case represents apparently the first clinical confirmation, outside Russia, of paralytic disease caused by Coxsackie virus Group A, Type 7.Case ReportA 3-year-old boy entered Children's Hospital, Louisville, on July 9, 1956, because of stiff neck, vomiting and walking "stiff legged" for a day. He was noted to have a temperature of 103°F., nuchal rigidity and positive Kernig and Brudzinski signs, without any paresis. The clear spinal fluid revealed 245 white cells per cubic millimeter (68 per cent polymorphonuclear leukocytes and 32 per cent lymphocytes), with a total protein of 32 mg. and sugar of 56 mg. . . .

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