Giant Retinal Tears

• Three low-viscosity perfluorocarbon liquids provided an intraoperative tool during vitrectomy to manage giant retinal tears. These clear fluids have a high specific gravity (1.8 to 1.9) and are immiscible with water. In six eyes, the giant tear was less than 180°; in 11 eyes, it was 180° or greater. In all eyes, the tear was unfolded and the retina was flattened while the patient was supine. The perfluorocarbon liquid was aspirated and replaced by air-perfluorocarbon gas mixtures (16 eyes) or silicone oil (one eye) at the end of the operation. The retina was reattached in 16 eyes (94%), with a minimum follow-up period of 6 months. In five eyes (29%), the retina was reattached without scleral buckling. Residual droplets of perfluorocarbon liquid were observed in four patients. These new materials complement present surgical techniques for managing giant retinal tears.