Cross-Section Ratios of Isomeric Nuclides Produced in Medium-Energy (α, xn) Reactions

Cross-section ratios of isomeric nuclides produced in the reactions K41(α, n)Sc44, Mn55(α, n)Co58, Nb93(α, n)Tc96, Nb93(α, 2n)Tc95, Nb93(α, 3n)Tc94, and Ba136(α, 3b)Ce137 are reported for the α-particle energy range from reaction threshold to 42 MeV. Recoil ranges of products were also determined. Range information was used to help establish the bombarding-energy region in which a particular reaction was likely to be compound-nuclear. The ratio of cross sections, high-spin product to low-spin product, was found to increase initially as the bombarding energy increased. In the three (α, n) reactions, the ratio goes through a maximum and decreases. The decreasing region is consistent with the onset of a process in which the product nucleus does not have all of the momentum of the incident α particle. In the Nb93(α, 2n) reaction the cross-section ratio also goes through a maximum, but the range measurements in this energy region suggest that in only a small fraction of events is the momentum transfer much less than complete. Both (α, 3n) reactions show a monotonic increase in the cross-section ratio with increasing α-particle energy. Excitation functions of isomeric pairs indicate a shift to higher bombarding energy for the nuclide of higher spin.