A requirement for nonspecific T cell factors in antibody responses to "T cell independent" antigens.

Using murine splenic B cell preparations depleted of macrophages and rigorously depleted of T cells, we studied the role of nonspecific helper factors in in vitro antibody responses to T cell-independent (TI) type 1 and type 2 antigens. TNP-lipopolysaccharide, TNP-Brucella abortus, and DNP-liposomes containing lipid A were chosen as examples of TI type 1 antigens. DNP-Ficoll and DNP-liposomes without lipid A were chosen as TI type 2 antigens. Only the type 1 antigens were able to elicit significant, albeit very weak, responses without added helper factors. Both type 1 and 2 antigens required factors present in supernatants from concanavalin A-stimulated spleen cells (Con A SN) to stimulate optimum antibody responses. Interleukin 2- (IL 2) containing supernatant from the T cell hybridoma FS6-14.13 supported suboptimal responses to varying degrees with each TI antigen, in contrast to its lack of effect on responses to sheep red blood cells in the absence of additional factors. This activity of the FS6-14.13 supernatant was removed by absorption with the IL 2-dependent T cell line HT-2, suggesting that IL 2 was the active component. Another factor, IL-X, which is distinct from both IL 1 and IL 2 and is also found in Con A SN, was required in addition to IL 2 to achieve optimal responses with both types of TI antigens. These results clearly establish a role for factors derived from T cells in the activation of B cells by both type 1 and type 2 TI antigens.