Euphorus sahlbergellae, sp. n.Head, thorax, and abdomen deep black, polished and shining ; scape, flagellum (except about 17 apical joints which are darker), palpi, tegulae, all trochanters, front femora, about apical third of mid femora, hind femora at extreme apex, the 4 anterior tibiae and tarsi, basal third of hind tibiae, light red-brown ; basal two-thirds of mid femora, apical two-thirds of hind tibiae on underside, and hind tarsi, dark red-brown ; hind femora and apical two-thirds of upper surface of hind tibiae black to dark red-black ; hind coxae, and mid coxae mostly, black ; front coxae, at least at the sides, black, apically somewhat red-brown ; claws dark ; stigma and most wing-veins brown.