NMR in AgPt alloys

Pulsed NMR and susceptibility measurements were performed on dilute silver-rich AgcPt1c alloys (c=0.91.0). The Knight shift, T1 and T2 of Ag109 and Pt195 could be observed in magnetic fields up to 5.2 T and at temperatures between 4.2 and 60 K. In Ag99.5 Pt0.5 a SEDOR experiment (spin echo double resonance) was performed. The different temperature dependencies of the Ag109 and the Pt195 resonances indicate the existence of d holes on Pt sites even in silver-rich alloys. A graphical method in terms of free-electron phase shifts gives a value of 0.33 ± 0.07 d holes which is only about 20% less than in pure platinum. This corresponds closely to the results of Sang and Myers in AgPd alloys where a similar small charge transfer is found and which thus contradicts rigid-band considerations. With a model of Dworin and Narath the Pt195 Knight shift and the Pt195 relaxation rate T11 could be divided into s, d, and orbital contributions. Whereas d and orbital terms approximately cancel numerically, K and T11 are dominated by s effects. It is shown why this does not contradict the observed temperature dependencies of K, T11, and the magnetic susceptibility χ.