A Study of the Occurrence of the Blood Groups Among the American Indians

The inheritance of the Landsteiner isoagglutination elements of the human blood has been studied in two different respects. Von Dungern and L. Hirschfeld (1) and, later, Ottenberg (2) and also Buchanan (3) have investigated the mode of transmission of the elements from generation to generation by the examination of the blood in parents and offspring. L. Hirschfeld and H. Hirschfeld (4) on the other hand, have studied, in about 9000 individuals, the percentage distribution of the four blood groups in the different human races, and, in this way, these authors have obtained statistical data which seem to provide indirect evidence as to the manner of transmission of the blood elements, and which also offer a new means of studying racial relationships. The evidence referred to lies in the Hirschfelds' observation that the percentages of “found” I and IV (Jansky) groups in the different races approximate the respective percentages which they calculated from those of groups II and III.