The influenza virus RNA (vRNA) promoter structure is known to consist of the 5′- and 3′-terminal sequences of the RNA, within very narrow boundaries of 16 and 15 nucleotides, respectively. A complete set of single nucleotide substitutions led to the previously proposed model of a binary hooked or ‘corkscrew’ conformation for the vRNA promoter when it interacts with the viral polymerase. This functional structure is confirmed here with a complete set of complementary double substitutions, of both the regular A:U and G:C type and also the G:U type of base-pair exchanges. The proposed structure consists of a six base-pair RNA rod in the distal element in conjunction with two stem–loop structures of two short-range base- pairs (positions 2–9; 3–8). These support an exposed tetranucleotide loop within each branch of the proximal element, in an overall oblique organization due to a central unpaired A residue at position 10 in the 5′ sequence. Long-range base-pairing between the entire 5′ and 3′ branches, as required for an unmodified ‘panhandle’ model, has been excluded for the proximal element, while it is known to represent the mode of interaction within the distal element. A large number of short-range base-pair exchanges in the proximal element constitute promoter-up mutations, which show activities several times above that of the wild- type in reporter gene assays. The unique overall conformation and rather few invariant nucleotides appear to be the core elements in vRNA recognition by polymerase and also in viral ribonucleoprotein packaging, to allow discrimination against the background of other RNA molecules in the cell.