Zeeman Effect in the Electronic Spectrum of Solid CS2

The lowest‐energy 3A2 ← 1Σg+ singlet‐triplet transition of CS2 has been studied in the CS2 crystal at 4.2°K. The spectrum consists mainly of progressions in the bending mode ν2 . The following values for the upper state frequencies have been obtained 1′ = 677 cm−1, ν2′=309 cm−1) and the unobserved B2 electronic origin has been calculated to be at 24 739 cm−1. Zeeman studies of the 3676‐Å band system have been used to assign a very weak component of a vibronic band of this system as a crystal field induced transition to the (A1, B1) pair of spin sublevels of the triplet state 3A2 . The zero field splitting (ZFS) parameter of 36 ± 1 cm−1 thus obtained for the vibronic state is comparable with the one calculated by Hougen [J. Chem. Phys. 41, 363, (1964)] from Zeeman line broadening experiments in the gas phase done by Douglas and Milton [J. Chem. Phys. 41, 357 (1964)] on comparable vibronic bands. The large value of the ZFS parameter can be explained if it is assumed that the 3A2 and 3B2 states are quite nearby.