Nuclear Spin Relaxation in Molybdenum Metal

The Mo95 and Mo97 nuclear spin-spin and spin-lattice relaxation rates in molybdenum metal have been studied in the temperature range 1T4°K. The transverse relaxation process is found to have an exponential time dependence (corresponding to a Lorentzian line shape) with characteristic times T2(Mo95)=10±1 msec and T2(Mo97)=14±1 msec which are independent of temperature. At 4.0°K the longitudinal relaxation times are T1(Mo95)=8.9±0.2 sec and T1(Mo97)=7.6±0.2 sec. The ratio T1(Mo95)T1(Mo97)=1.17±0.03 is larger than the square of the nuclear moment ratio, (μ97μ95)2=1.0424. This anomaly is attributed to an electric quadrupole process due to d-band conduction electrons. This process contributes significantly to the relaxation rate of Mo97 but not to that of Mo95 because of the large difference in nuclear quadrupole moments (Q97Q95=9.2). The known moment ratios are used to partition the observed rates into nuclear magnetic dipole (Rμ) and nuclear electric quadrupole (RQ) contributions. The resulting values of RQ yield quadrupole moment estimates Q95=(0.12±0.03)×1024 cm2 and Q97=(1.1±0.2)×1024 cm2. An approximate separation of Rμ into contact, core-polarization, and orbital rates has been achieved. The principal contribution to the Knight shift and to the conduction-electron susceptibility is shown to arise from the orbital magnetization of the d band. The results of this study provide an upper-limit estimate of about 3 for the electron-phonon enhancement of the s-electron specific heat.