Anharmonic free energy and specific heat at constant volume of sodium and potassium

The lowest-order cubic (F3) and quartic (F4) anharmonic contributions to the Helmholtz free energy have been calculated at several temperatures and lattice spacings for sodium and potassium using interionic potentials developed by Taylor and co-workers. The effect of using either the Geldart-Taylor or Vashishta-Singwi screening on these calculations has been examined. F3 and F4 are not sensitive to the choice of screening. A method of calculating F3 has been developed which is more suited to long-range potentials. At all temperatures the anharmonic specific heat at constant volume (CVA) is found to be positive for potassium. For sodium, CVA is positive for T<293 °K at which temperature F3 and F4 appear to cancel each other; the sign of CVA becomes negative at T=361 °K.