Systematics of moments of dipole oscillator-strength distributions for atoms of the first and second row

The moments S(μ) and L(μ)=dS(μ)dμ for 6μ1 are derived from comprehensive Hartree-Slater oscillator-stength distributions for He through Ar. For μ2, these moments are governed by valence excitations only, and therefore exhibit a pronounced periodic variation that repeats in each row. Inner shells begin to contribute appreciably to S(1), which retains a periodic variation superimposed upon an over - all increase with increasing atomic number Z. For μ0, the Z dependence of the moments becomes dominated by inner-shell contributions; as μ increases, the over-all increase with Z becomes more rapid. Another perspective of the voluminous data is gained by plotting logS(μ) vs μ. The plot reveals three classes of behavior—"tight," "intermediate," and "loose" atoms. Comparisons with experiment and more detailed calculations are made where possible.

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