Lack of Association between the Elevation of Adenosine 3’, 5’- Cyclic Monophosphate and the Potentiation of the Interferon-Induced Antiviral State by Noradrenaline in Normal and Tumoral Rat Cells

Rat interferon (IF) induced a moderate and persistent elevation of adenosine 3’, 5’-cyclic monophosphate (cAMP) after 2 h of contact with rat embryo fibroblasts (REFs), whereas in rat glial tumoral C6 cells IF did not enhance cAMP. Noradrenaline potentiated the antiviral state of REFs treated for 2 h or more with IF and increased cAMP in these cells, but it did not potentiate the IF-induced antiviral state of C6 cells. However, as the control cells, IF-treated C6 cells responded to catecholamines by a 100-fold or more increase in cAMP. This suggested that cAMP was not primarily involved in the establishment of the antiviral state.