Paramagnetic resonance is detected for Yb3+172 ions diluted in crystals of Y(C2H5SO4)3 · 9H2O at temperatures 1.2T4.2 °K, and ν=23 GHz, for 0θ70°, where θ is the angle between the crystal c axis and H. We find g=3.328±0.005; g is not directly measured, but estimated to be g0.01 from the resonance intensity at θ=0°. An observed angular variation of 102 in linewidth can be explained by a c-axis wander throughout the crystal, of order (δθ)rms0.05°. A striking angular variation in line intensity, of the form (tan2θ)cosθ over five orders of magnitude, is used to deduce that the observed line is an electric dipole transition rather than the usual magnetic dipole transition, observed only at θ=0°. This is further confirmed by placement of the crystal in the cavity in regions of maximum electric or magnetic field. The electric dipole transition comes about by the combined action of the Zeeman perturbation and admixtures of even-parity states into the odd-parity 4f13 configuration by odd terms in the C3h crystal field. The direct spin-lattice relaxation rate is measured by a microwave pulse-recovery method and found to be T1d1=134Ttan2θ sec1 (T in °K) at constant frequency ν=23.11 GHz, which corresponds to T1d1=2.4×1017H5cos3θsin2θcoth(hν2kT) sec1 (H in oersteds), the theoretically expected form. At large angles the data indicate a phonon bottle-neck. It was found that the EPR signal could be reduced by optical pumping in the 1 to 3μ region. An optical pulse-recovery method was used to measure the Raman spin-lattice relaxation rate, T1R1=0.0135T9 sec1. These data are of central importance in the analysis of nuclear spin refrigerators utilizing this unusually anisotropic crystal.