The Mesozoic history of Lepidoptera and Trichoptera is reviewed and their phylogeny traced back to early Mesozoic specialized Permochoristidae Mecoptera. Queensland emerges as the center of origin for the earliest Lepidoptera and Trichoptera and is also the region where the first lepidopteran hostplants, primitive dicot angiosperms, arose from Glossopteridae, probably at the Triassic–Jurassic boundary. Protomecoptera evolved from extinct Protoblattodea (not Neuroptera) during Late Carboniferous or Early Permian time. The first Lepidoptera, terrestrial Agathiphagidae, evolved from aquatic Necrotauliidae Trichoptera probably at the close of the Triassic when an extreme drought dried up many streams. The very small size of Amphiesmenopteran Mecoptera and the first Trichoptera and Lepidoptera fossils obeys Cope's Rule.