Identification of genetic variants using bar-coded multiplexed sequencing

Targeted regions of the human genome are resequenced in multiplex with Illumina technology, and the pipeline is evaluated for polymorphism discovery and genotyping. We developed a generalized framework for multiplexed resequencing of targeted human genome regions on the Illumina Genome Analyzer using degenerate indexed DNA bar codes ligated to fragmented DNA before sequencing. Using this method, we simultaneously sequenced the DNA of multiple HapMap individuals at several Encyclopedia of DNA Elements (ENCODE) regions. We then evaluated the use of Bayes factors for discovering and genotyping polymorphisms. For polymorphisms that were either previously identified within the Single Nucleotide Polymorphism database (dbSNP) or visually evident upon re-inspection of archived ENCODE traces, we observed a false positive rate of 11.3% using strict thresholds for predicting variants and 69.6% for lax thresholds. Conversely, false negative rates were 10.8–90.8%, with false negatives at stricter cut-offs occurring at lower coverage (90% of genetic variants are discoverable using multiplexed sequencing provided sufficient coverage at the polymorphic base.