Radiations fromHo164

The decay modes of 36.7-min Ho164 have been studied with a magnetic spectrometer, scintillation spectrometer, and proportional counter. Decay to the two even-even daughters, Dy164 by orbital electron capture, and Er164 by beta decay, is indicated. The beta spectrum appears to be complex, with maximum energy 0.99±0.03 Mev. Gamma rays of energy 90.5, 72.8, and 37.3 kev, together with x-rays at 45.7 kev, are found. There is also evidence for a gamma ray at approximately 46 kev. Photon-photon coincidences are found for 46-73 and 37-46 kev approximate energies. Photon-beta coincidences are found to involve photons of approximate energy 91 and 50 kev. The data are interpreted in terms of first excited levels at 72.8 kev in Dy164, 90.5 kev in Er164, with probably a second level in Dy164 at 110 kev. Delayed photon-beta and photon-photon coincidences were found with a half-life of 1.4×109 sec. The former are associated with the 90.5-kev level of Er164; the assignment of the photon-photon coincidences is uncertain. A possible isomeric transition in Ho164 is also suggested. Spin and parity assignments, on the basis of conversion coefficients and log(f0t) value, are made for certain of the levels.