F17Level Parameters

O16(p, p)O16 differential cross-section data for Ep=27.6 Mev have been used to fix parameters of F17 levels. The cross-section data were first fitted to a partial-wave phase-shift expansion by a least-squares method using an IBM 704. The level parameters were then obtained by application of dispersion formalism to the extracted phase shifts. The two-level approximation was used where appropriate. Four very narrow levels and the well-known 72 level at Ep=3.47 Mev were ignored in the present analysis. However, resonant energies and limits on widths (obtained by inspection) for these and higher energy F17 states are given. Level schemes of O17 and F17 are compared. Assignment of levels to particular nuclear configurations is attempted. An appendix is included, giving illustrations of branching solutions in the phase-shift analysis.