The neural basis of swimmeret beating in the lobster Homarus americanus was studied by recording the cyclic motor output to the swimmeret muscles of intact, unrestrained specimens. The force produced by each swimmeret is regulated by changes in the number of impulses within single motoneurones during each movement cycle, and by changes in the number of motoneurones which discharge during each cycle. Both of these parameters increase with the frequency of swimmeret beating. The burst duration of single swimmeret motoneurones is independent of the frequency of swimmeret beating. The duration of the total electrical activity of each muscle nevertheless increases with the cycle duration, owing to changes in the relative timing of the activities of the motoneurones which innervate the muscle. By this method the forces produced by each muscle are presumably distributed evenly throughout cycles of variable duration. As the frequency of swimmeret beating increases, the movement response progressively lags behind the motor nerve activity. At high frequencies of beating powerstroke motoneurones fire during the returnstroke of the preceding movement cycle because of this phase change, thereby actively braking the swimmeret. Tilting the lobster to one side changes the direction of the powerstroke of each swimmeret on the side tilted upward. This change is achieved by an increase in the activity of muscles which rotate the appendage outward on its long axis, by an increase in the activity of a muscle which directs the powerstroke out toward the side, and by a decrease in the activity of a muscle which directs the powerstroke to the rear. The latter decrease is accomplished through the use of a peripheral inhibitor axon. Under some conditions individual swimmeret motoneurones discharge in continuous trains rather than in bursts. This tonic activity is characterized by the occurrence of a disproportionate number of impulse pairs and triplets, a pattern to which the swimmeret muscles may be especially sensitive. During swimmeret beating, all of the swimmeret motoneurones discharge in cyclic bursts. The temporal structure of the bursts suggests that the underlying excitatory input oscillates sinusoidally with time at the same frequency as that of swimmeret beating.