Depolarized rayleigh scattering and the mean-squared optical anisotropies of n-alkanes in solution

A procedure has been developed whereby the mean-squared optical anisotropy 〈γ2〉 associated with isolated solute molecules can be obtained from measurements of the depolarized Rayleigh scattering by their solutions in optically isotropic and geometrically symmetric solvents. Depolarized Rayleigh ratios RHV for light scattered at an angle of 90° by carbon tetrachloride solutions of 7 n-alkanes from C5 to C22 have been measured using a He-Ne laser (λ= 632.8 nm) as the light source. Intensity due to Raman scattering was eliminated by a narrow bandpass filter of 3 nm width. The scattered intensity due to collision induced anisotropy was estimated from the decrease in RHV when a 0.3 nm filter was used, and a procedure is described for suppressing the contribution to RHV from this source for the n-alkane solutions. Values of 〈γ2〉 for the n-alkanes obtained by extrapolating the present results to infinite dilution are considerably smaller than those reported by other workers. The dependence of 〈γ2〉 on chain length is well reproduced by calculations carried out using the valence optical scheme and rotational isomeric state theory, gauche states being assigned an energy of 500 ± 100 cal mol–1 relative to trans in conformity with other evidence. Coincidence between calculated and observed optical anisotropies requires assignment of a value of 0.54 Å3 to the parameter Γ, which is related to the bond anisotropies by Γ=ΔαCC–1.95 ΔαCH according to numerical calculations for a ∠ CCC angle of 112°.