An enzyme labelled nuclear antigen immunoassay for detection of cytomegalovirus IgM antibodies in human serum: Specific and non‐specific reactions

A μ‐capture enzyme linked immunosorbent assay was developed for detection of IgM antibody t o cytomegalovirus (CMV). Virus‐specific IgM was detected using horseradish peroxidase labelled nuclear CMV antigen (CMV‐ELA). False‐positive reactions caused by Paul‐Bunnell‐Davidsohn (PBD) positive sera and antinuclear antibody (ANA) positive sera were identified in a combination assay employing enzyme labelled nuclear control antigen (CO‐ELA) in parallel to the CMV‐ELA. Four of five PBD positive and 30 of 31 ANA positive sera reactive with the CMV‐ELA were identified as false positive reactions in the combined ELA‐assay. The reactivity in PBD‐positive sera could not be explained by antigenic cross reactivity between CMV and Epstein‐Barr virus. and the results further suggested that different cell specified components of the CMV‐ELA were responsible for the reactivity of PBD‐positive as compared to ANA‐positive sera. One of 314 healthy blood donors. 12 of 12 patients with primary CMV infection. and 11 of 15 patients with secondary CMV infection had detectable CMV IgM antibodies. Comparison of different CMV‐ELAs revealed that pronounced differences in specificity as well as sensitivity may exist.

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