Efficient transient simulation of lossy interconnect

The problem of transient simulation of lossy transmission lines is investigated in this paper. Two refinements are made to the existing convolution approach for the case of a sin- gle lossy line analytical formulae are derived for the line's impulse-responses, and an accurate numerical convolution technique that utilises these formulae are devised. It is shown that a special case of lossy multiconductor lines can be de- composed into uncoupled lossy lines and linear memoryless networks, leading to a simple simulation algorithm. Simu- lation results on industrial circuits with single and mtdticon- ductor lossy lines are presented and compared with results obtained using lumped and pseudo-lumped approximations of lossy lines. The comparison indicates that the convolution technique with the above enhancements can be an order-of- magnitude faster than lumped and pseudo-lumped segment- ing techniques for equivalent or better accuracy.