Rare-earth transition metal exchange interactions in amorphous (Fe0.82B0.18)0.9RxLa0.1−x alloys

We have estimated the rare‐earth subnetwork magnetization near room temperature for a series of amorphous melt‐quenched alloys having the compositions (Fe0.82B0.18)0.9RxLa0.1−x, where R = Pr, Nd, Sm, Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho, and Er, by using a combination of bulk magnetization and Mössbauer measurements. To a good approximation the magnetization of the rare earths can be described by a molecular field which is proportional both to the iron subnetwork magnetization and the spin part of the rare‐earth moment. The Curie temperatures exhibit small but systematic variations which are also in good qualitative agreement with mean field theory.