Exploring Structural Information and Fusing Multiple Features for Person Re-identification

Recently, methods with learning procedure have been widely used to solve person re-identification (re-id) problem. However, most existing databases for re-id are smallscale, therefore, over-fitting is likely to occur. To further improve the performance, we propose a novel method by fusing multiple local features and exploring their structural information on different levels. The proposed method is called Structural Constraints Enhanced Feature Accumulation (SCEFA). Three local features (i.e., Hierarchical Weighted Histograms (HWH), Gabor Ternary Pattern HSV (GTP-HSV), Maximally Stable Color Regions (MSCR)) are used. Structural information of these features are deeply explored in three levels: pixel, blob, and part. The matching algorithms corresponding to the features are also discussed. Extensive experiments conducted on three datasets: VIPeR, ETHZ and our own challenging dataset MCSSH, show that our approach outperforms stat-of-the-art methods significantly.

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