Multiple endocrine cell types in thyroid medullary carcinoma

10 cases of thyroid medullary carcinoma (TMC) have been studied ultrastructurally and histochemically. Well differentiated calcitonin-producing C cells were present in all tumours, being prevalent in 9 cases. 5-Hydroxytryptamine (5HT) storing cells were found in two cases, somatostatin immunoreactive cells in at least 5 cases and ACTH-immunoreactive cells in 4 cases. Ultrastructurally, at least 3 types of apparently non-C cells were observed. Type 1 cells with large, poorly osmiophilic granules resembling those of gastroenteropancreatic D cells, were present in 6 cases; they appeared to correlate well with somatostatin immunoreactive cells. Type 2 cells with large osmiophilic granules were found in 5 cases; they resembled ACTH-MSH cells of the human pituitary and may correspond to the ACTH-immunoreactive cells of light microscopy. Type 3 cells with small granules and an unknown function were found in 6 cases, always in scarce number. It is concluded that TMC, although mainly made up of C cells, usually contains large proportions of other endocrine cell types.