Many-body theory of magnetic susceptibility of electrons in solids

We present a theory of the total magnetic susceptibility (χ) of interacting electrons in solids. We have included the effects of both the lattice potential and electron-electron interaction and constructed in k space, using the Bloch representation, the effective one-particle Hamiltonian and the equation of motion of the Green's function in the presence of a magnetic field. We have used a finite-temperature Green's-function formalism where the thermodynamic potential Ω is expressed in terms of the exact one-particle propagator G and have derived a general expression for χ by assuming the self-energy to be independent of frequency. We have calculated the many-body effects on orbital (χo), spin (χs), and spin-orbit (χso) contributions to χ. If we make simple approximations for the self-energy, our expression for χo reduces to the earlier results. If we make drastic assumptions while solving the matrix integral equations for the field-dependent part of the self-energy, our expression for χs is equivalent to the earlier results for exchange-enhanced spin susceptibility but with the g factor replaced by the effective g factor, a result which has been intuitively used but not yet rigorously derived. An important aspect of our work is the careful analysis of exchange and correlation effects on χso, the contribution to susceptibility from the effect of spin-orbit coupling on the orbital motion of Bloch electrons. Although χso is of the same order of magnitude as χs for some metals and semiconductors, its contribution has been hitherto completely ignored in all the many-body theories of magnetic susceptibility. We have also shown that if we neglect electron-electron interactions our expression for χ agrees with the well-known results for noninteracting Bloch electrons.

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