Eclampsia is still a major problem in obstetrics. In the time at my disposal I propose to discuss its treatment. I shall limit myself to cases of actual puerperal convulsions. Not that eclampsia without convulsions or preeclampsia is not as important or as dangerous. In the first place the convulsive type is more clear cut and there is scarcely any question of diagnosis. In the second place the therapeutic problem is different. When convulsions are present, one naturally has an urge to energetic treatment which is egged on by the patient's relatives and friends. One simply has got to do something. In preeclampsia, on the other hand, it is frequently hard to make the patient realize that she is seriously ill, and one has to overcome her resistance to treatment of any sort. Treatment naturally divides itself into two parts: (1) preventive and (2) curative. In no disease is the