Evidence for Sequential Two-Body Decay in Three-Body Decay ofC12andB10

The reactions B11(p, α)Be8 and Be9(p, d)Be8 have been studied by employing monoenergetic protons, thin targets, and a low-background magnetic spectrometer to resolve the disintegration products. The continuum spectra of alpha and deuteron particles produced, respectively, in the reactions have been compared to the generalized density-of-states function of Phillips, Griffy, and Biedenharn and good fits have been obtained. The density function was calculated from the experimental (α, α) scattering phase shifts. The calculated S-wave density function for Be8 predicts a low-energy anomaly. This anomaly has been observed and confirms the assumption of the model used to calculate this spectral shape: three-body decay proceeding via a sequence of two-body decay modes.