Determination of apolipoprotein A and its constitutive A-I and A-II polypeptides by separate electroimmunoassays.

Electroimmunoassays ("rocket" electrophoresis) are described for human serum apolipoprotein A and its constitutive A-I and A-II polypeptides. Purified lipoprotein A, A-I, and A-II were used to prepare monospecific antisera and to standardize assays. These specific, rapid (5-8 h), precise (the within-and between-assay coefficients of variations are 5 and 7%, respectively), and accurate (by gravimetry) assays are applicable to measurement of these polypeptides in whole serum and in various density classes of lipoproteins. Comparable results are obtained with intact and delipidized lipoproteins. Results correlated well with those obtained by radial immunodiffusion or radioimmunoassay. However, the present procedure is more rapid than the former and simpler than the latter immunoassay. Concentrations of A-I and A-II in the serum of normal men and women were similar (143 +/- 24 and 146 +/- 78 mg/dl, respectively, for A-I and 78 +/- 17 and 83 +/- 25 mg/dl for A-II). Subjects with type lla, llb, and IV hyperlipoproteinemias had similar concentrations of both polypeptides, while patients with type I disease, lecithin:cholesterol acyltransferase deficiency and LP-A deficiency had lowest concentrations of A-I (0.3-30 mg/dl) and A-II (11-20 mg/dl). The molar ratio of A-I/A-II in the serum and high-density lipoproteins was close to unity.